Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays Everyone.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas this year. I didn't feel like it was Christmas at my house. His family was over on the 23rd for dinner. We were so busy preparing for that. It was sort of like a Christmas party but NOT. We don't celebrate Christmas but usually we end up giving gifts. We never had a real or a fake Christmas tree in our house.
Besides that, Exams are over and only one unhappy "B" disappoints me. Rotations start on January 2 and I will be back to school mode again. Our engagement date is fixed on July 7, 2007. We already booked the place, of course, Indian: ) I have ordered my dress from India with matching jewelry. It shall be superb and I cannot wait to see it. I have even joined a gym to lose weight by July7th so I can be looking at my best and not regret it 25 years later....
I am going for after-Christmas shopping for sure. Everything will be on a great discounted price. We gotta get so many gifts for the engagement might as well start now.
I watched Umrao Jaan and Dhoom 2. Both aight!!!! Although songs from Umrao Jaan were very touching.
Once again, Merry Chirstmas to all. Have fun eating and shopping.

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