Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays Everyone.

I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas this year. I didn't feel like it was Christmas at my house. His family was over on the 23rd for dinner. We were so busy preparing for that. It was sort of like a Christmas party but NOT. We don't celebrate Christmas but usually we end up giving gifts. We never had a real or a fake Christmas tree in our house.
Besides that, Exams are over and only one unhappy "B" disappoints me. Rotations start on January 2 and I will be back to school mode again. Our engagement date is fixed on July 7, 2007. We already booked the place, of course, Indian: ) I have ordered my dress from India with matching jewelry. It shall be superb and I cannot wait to see it. I have even joined a gym to lose weight by July7th so I can be looking at my best and not regret it 25 years later....
I am going for after-Christmas shopping for sure. Everything will be on a great discounted price. We gotta get so many gifts for the engagement might as well start now.
I watched Umrao Jaan and Dhoom 2. Both aight!!!! Although songs from Umrao Jaan were very touching.
Once again, Merry Chirstmas to all. Have fun eating and shopping.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Trouble Trouble Trouble

I am so unhappy right now. Down from yesterday's thing about my cousin. Then my sis called me this afternoon while I was studying for my test. It was regarding when I went to Canada--when my sister had a baby girl. I had some problems when i was there. It always is a highly disciplined environment and anything I do, I have to think twice. I was spending a lot of time outside with him since he was also in Canada. Apparently, I was not helping her out enough. I had no idea that this would affect her. I remember telling her "your house is a mess". She remembers that. But its really complicated sister-stuff. I don't know what to do sometimes. Do this and do that, don't do that and on and on. There are rules and regulations. I am going to treat her like a professionally because she think i am immature.
This ruined my concentration for the test tomorrow. I have to study now. I wanted to get it off of my chest. I promise i will be a good sister and also a good fiance and wife to HIM.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Been Exactly a Month...

Wow, its has been a month since i blogged here. I missed writing my thoughts. One reason was that I got so busy after the pre-enggagement and then now its final-exams week. I have had an exam this morning which was super hard. I was cursing the heck out of my teacher as I was taking it. The whole purpose of the exam was to screw us up.
I really have done something towards losing my weight. I joined Gold's Gym: ) It was a good decision and a decision influenced by him. I totally agreed that I need to be more active and not pig out. I have noticed I don't get tired that fast and my level of running is going up. I get so motivated as soon as I walk in the GYM. I got another HUGE purpose for joining. I wanna be able to fit into a nice skinny outfit for my engagement: ) We are picking out a place for engagement which will be in July. Wohooo, Cannot wait. We need to be united soon.
There is this one guy who found my e-mail address from someone and kept on e-mailing me. He was so stubborn and wouldn't take NO for an answer. I cleared it to him that I am with someone and not to interfere with my life. It turned out that it was affecting me. I needed to end this "so-called-friendship" a long time ago. I had my cousin involved too. It was a mess. I feel so bad for putting her though this mess. He managed to get her ID and stuff of her from me. I wasn't thinking for her!!!! I was trying to help him but hurt her at the same time. I shall not do this ever again. God please forgive me. Finally today, I realized, I just don't want to talk to him. It is just better if I never speak to this person again. I was just upset at myself for talking to this person for so long.
I will end it on a nice note: Have a great night: )